
中港澳配送 China, Hong Kong, Macau

2022.03 香港順豐物流公告

將採用順豐快遞(SF Express)配送,運費只收固定費用TWD 200元

We use SF express to deliver package to the destinations in China, Hongkong and Macao. We only charge shipping fee for fixed rate: TWD 200.

1. 根據中華民國營業稅法規定,海外地區購物(即銷貨到海外地區)屬免稅性質,出貨單或商業發票視同購買憑証,無需另外開立中華民國發票。

According to tax law in Taiwan, if customers request to ship the goods overseas, we will provide commercial invoice as the receipt. The packing list is also attached in the parcel.

2. 寄送海外之訂單,並不提供退換貨服務與退款服務。
The return and refund service is not provided for overseas orders.

3. 依進口關稅規定,核定貨物是否需要繳交關稅、消費稅。當商品受到抽檢,其費用將由收件人負擔。若收件人不願取貨,相關費用或貨件遭銷毀、退回之損失,亦由訂購人自行負擔。

Orders shipped outside of Taiwan may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to such import taxes, customs duties and fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches the recipient's country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be fulfilled by the recipient. If the recipient refuses the delivery of the order due to additional charges, and the shipment is to be returned or destroyed, the recipient must be responsible for the loss.

國家/地區 Country/Region最低進口免稅額 De minimis value 
香港、澳門 HK, Macao自由貿易港口,進出口皆無須繳付關稅。N/A
中國 ChinaRMB 800*

*茶葉進口限額2公斤。Limit 2 kg for tea.

4. 為因應中國海關收件人實名制,收件人在中國時請務必到順豐網站上傳個人身分證、購買憑證或商業發票(commercial invoice),以作為清關資料使用。商業發票會由DLIC TEA 提供。

The name, brand, material, price, model No. and specifications of each category of articles must be identified expressly in the waybill, and no general descriptions thereof are allowed; or, the customs office will ask customers to provide the screenshot for the purchase certificate and thereby delay the customs clearance. The commercial invoice will be provided by DLIC TEA.

5. 若因收件資訊錯誤(例如收件人、電話、地址錯誤等)、未上傳清關資料等因素,而無法配送,將不退回運費,商品將退回到DLIC TEA,來回運費由購買者負擔,DLIC TEA 將退回購買之商品金額。若商品因收件資訊滯留海外,將無法退回商品總額。

If the delivery is not successful because of unclear recipient information or without custom clearance document, the delivery fee will not refundable and you have to pay return shipping fee. We will refund when we receive the returned goods (not including the delivery fee). However, if we do not receive the goods, we would not be able to refund you. If the goods we received is damaged, you may not get a full refund.

6. 若因無人認領之情況導致包裹被退回,客服將會與收件人聯繫確認正確收件地址,並再配送一次。運費由收件人負擔。
If you are not available to accept delivery of your shipment, your courier may leave you a delivery attempt notice or contact you directly for the next delivery. The recipient has to pay for the shipping fee.

7. Processing/Delivery Time 出貨處理/送達時間

Processing Time: 1-2 business day(s)

Delivery time may delay because of COVID-19.

Courier 運送業者Area 地區Delivery Time 運送時間*
SF Express 順豐China 中國3-21 days
SF Express 順豐HongKong, Macao 港澳2-7 days