
日本配送 Japan

運費只收固定費用TWD 250 。將採用郵局國際e小包出貨。預計5-14工作日內送達。

The shipping fee is charged by fixed rate: TWD 250. We will use e-packet of postal service to ship out your package. It is traceable. It will be delivered in 5-14 working days.


1. 根據中華民國營業稅法規定,海外地區購物(即銷貨到海外地區)屬免稅性質,出貨單或商業發票視同購買憑証,無需另外開立中華民國發票。

According to tax law in Taiwan, if customers request to ship the goods overseas, we will provide commercial invoice as the receipt. The packing list is also attached in the parcel.

2. 寄送海外之訂單,並不提供退換貨服務與退款服務。
The return and refund service is not provided for overseas orders.

3. 依進口關稅規定,核定貨物是否需要繳交關稅、消費稅。當商品受到抽檢,其費用將由收件人負擔。若收件人不願取貨,相關費用或貨件遭銷毀、退回之損失,亦由訂購人自行負擔。

Orders shipped outside of Taiwan may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to such import taxes, customs duties and fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches the recipient's country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be fulfilled by the recipient. If the recipient refuses the delivery of the order due to additional charges, and the shipment is to be returned or destroyed, the recipient must be responsible for the loss.


If the net weight of tea leaves of your purchase is over 2kg, based on the rules of Japan Customs, we will provide export certificate and go through formal customs clearance procedure. So it will be shipped by other currier.

國家/地區 Country/Region最低進口免稅額 De minimis value
日本 JapanJPY 10,000
